Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-12-01-Speech-4-402-375"

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"( ) The aim of the European Semester for Economic Policy Coordination was to introduce a way of synchronising European and national economic and financial policies. Today, any effort to conceptualise the political world that attempts to explain the current reality will tend to point to a ‘web-like political reality’ or, rather, ‘polyarchical’ power and webs of ‘interconstitutionality’. The purpose of this is to explain how the decisions made by one political player have an impact on all the others. The real issue is therefore to determine to what extent democratic legitimacy can be brought to bear at a time when traditional decision-making procedures no longer appear to be offering a suitable response. Therefore, while it is no longer possible to preserve the traditional concept of sovereignty, which, in practice, would be profoundly unrealistic, it is still possible to secure the concurrence of powers and to involve the national parliaments and the European Parliament, which are directly legitimised institutions, as fellow players. If not, political power will lose a significant part of its legitimacy, which will jeopardise the basic choices that need to be made. I voted in favour, since I believe the report addresses these issues."@en1

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