Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-11-16-Speech-3-299-000"

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"I voted in favour of this motion for a resolution which reiterates the need for the Union to be part of a global agreement to follow on from the Kyoto Protocol beyond 2012. I am also in favour of the position on ambitious CO emissions reductions for 2020 and 2050 despite strong objections from within the European Parliament, especially on the right. I do regret, however, the adoption of some of the passages such as the call for the creation of a global carbon market, the negative effects of which have been proven, or the endorsement of the agreements with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) on international property rights, which hinder technology transfer. I am pleased that the European Parliament has called for an ambitious international solution to bridge the considerable gap between the current ambition levels and those required to keep global warming below 2ºC. This certainly represents a considerable challenge as the economic and financial crisis with its disastrous social impact is being exploited to prevent any ambitious agreement from being adopted. I also regret that the European Parliament does not condemn the lack of will shown by certain countries in this negotiation more strongly. CO emissions increased by 6% in 2010, therefore reaching an agreement and taking action are matters of urgency. If the negotiations lack ambition, the climate catastrophe will spiral out of control."@en1

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