Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-27-Speech-4-222-500"
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The European Union is negotiating three international agreements, with Australia, Canada and the US, on the processing and transfer of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data. PNR data is provided by passengers, collected by air carriers and used for their ticketing, reservation, and check-in systems. Given its commercial nature, such data contains several types of information, ranging from names, addresses, passport numbers, and credit card information to information on other passengers, travel routes, and travel agents. Compliance with these Australian requirements by the airlines is creating problems with European data protection legislation. To solve these problems, the Commission entered into negotiations with Australia in order to establish the conditions that would allow access to the PNR data. I abstained from voting on this document because we must in principle decide whether we agree to personal data being collected, i.e. names, flights, passport and credit card data, because there is no absolute guarantee as to the purpose for which they will be used. I believe that the necessity for mass collection and storage of PNR data must be demonstrated and supported by factual evidence for each of the stated purposes. The proportionality (i.e. that the same end cannot be achieved with less intrusive means) must be demonstrated. The purpose must be limited clearly and strictly on the basis of clear legal and well-founded definitions."@en1
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