Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-27-Speech-4-195-000"

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"This directive on the qualification and status of third country nationals as beneficiaries of international protection constitutes a further worsening of immigration policy in Europe. The cases that may trigger entitlement to such protection, which include alleged cases of persecution based on ‘gender identity’ or sexual orientation, are increasing in number. A few years ago, Mr Sarkozy proposed that all the world’s abused women should seek refuge in France. He dreamt about it – Europe is doing it! Because of the way in which women are treated in the majority of countries that have based their laws on Sharia, that is a lot of people. The text also broadens the definition of the family entitled to join applicants for international protection as well as the rights – to a social life, to housing, to work, etc. – to which these people are entitled. In short, this is a fantastic invitation to use the asylum application as a means to migrate to Europe. I am not saying that all applications will be accepted. On the contrary, an influx of unfounded or opportunistic applications will have the immediate effect of swamping genuine applications for refuge against political persecution and delaying their successful outcome. Of one thing you can be sure – refused applicants will stay here illegally!"@en1

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