Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-27-Speech-4-168-000"

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"− Some studies in this area have found that sexual abuse of children is underreported and underestimated most of the time, and children who are victims of sexual abuse suffer lifelong consequences. We all know that sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children are particularly serious forms of crime which have negative effects on their victims and require them to receive special care and protection. This abuse leaves serious long-term physical, psychological and social scars on its victims. I believe that differences between national laws and procedures at the level of EU Member States might give rise to differences as regards investigation and prosecution, and convicted offenders may continue to present a danger after serving their sentences. This is why these differences should be eliminated and aligned with a European standard. I believe that a harmonisation of definitions relating to sexual abuse of children and the creation of legal certainty regarding the sexual exploitation of children should be a key objective for all Member States."@en1

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