Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-27-Speech-4-065-000"

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"Mr President, President-in Office of the Council, this is no doubt a good interim result, however the institutional crisis is far from over. We must be clear on this. That is why I have five things to say in the short time allotted me: Firstly, democracy needs time, Mr Van Rompuy. You are quite right about this. Democracy also needs clear decision-making structures and parliamentary control – and these are precisely what we lack. Secondly, the markets react quickly – more quickly than politics and democracy. As long as the markets are driven by anxiety and greed, rather than by clear rules, we will continue to simply push the problem further down the road, rather than solving it. That is why we need these clear rules, both within the European Union and worldwide. We need responsibility in the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries. This includes tax evasion, as well as the abolition of betting on every conceivable development, and the curbing of the excesses of the financial market. Thirdly, the states themselves are responsible for the debt crisis. This excessive debt was not sanctioned in the last 10 years either by the markets or by the EU Commission, or the Stability and Growth Pact. We need institutional change here. Whatever those who are tempted to print more money may think, inflation is not the solution. This would hit the poorest and weakest and would not just result in expropriation. Inflation is an unsocial solution. Fourthly, cohesion policy has failed. The aim of the Structural and Cohesion Funds was to improve competitiveness. They actually had the opposite effect. We cannot go on like this. Fifthly: we need to make major changes to the substance of the Treaties. I do not want to discuss the individual points. Mr Schulz has already mentioned one. It is not enough to give new powers to Mr Rehn, someone I respect very much. The Christian Democratic Union paper quoted calls for a right of initiative for Parliament and the Council because the Commission dragged its heels, making its decisions and presenting its proposals on the basis of external influences. If we achieve broad support there, then we will start to make progress."@en1

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