Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-10-27-Speech-4-039-000"

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"Mr President, last year the current Ombudsman was elected for the next term and will remain in office until the year 2014. Shortly after being re-elected he presented his new strategy of action in the next few years in which, among other issues, he called for strengthening the dialogue with public organisations and individuals that submit complaints, improving the culture of operation in the EU administration and building closer contacts with the Ombudsmen of EU Member States. These three objectives that Mr Diamandouros has set himself deserve recognition and indicate that he takes his duties seriously. Likewise, we should express appreciation of the new system for communicating with the public that includes, among other features, an interactive guide to mechanisms available for securing the fundamental rights of the EU citizens and is available on the Internet in the 23 official languages. In the year 2010 it was used successfully by more than 20 000 people. The best evidence of the fact that this solution is effective lies in the decreasing number of complaints submitted to the Ombudsman last year in comparison to the year 2009. Popular opinion associates the EU administration with a confusing, over-complicated and bureaucratic machine, full of incomprehensible procedures and inaccessible to the public. I am pleased that thanks to the work being done the Ombudsman, some members of the public have been able to see for themselves that it does not have to be like that at all."@en1

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