Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-468-250"

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"In recent years, the European institutions and Member States have been working towards ensuring equality of opportunities in the labour market for men and women. However, only 10% of women are involved in running small and medium-sized enterprises, so it is important to continue encouraging women to launch new business projects. I consider this report positive because it stresses women’s importance in the labour market, and suggests the creation of programmes that encourage greater professional training, the awarding of financial incentives, and a work-life balance. With a view to fostering women entrepreneurship, I would stress that the Member States should take the initiative of organising workshops and conferences between women with new business ideas and the main stakeholders, particularly financing companies, both venture capital and business angels, the public entities responsible for managing Community support framework programmes to encourage entrepreneurship, and business advice organisations. Finally, I consider university and polytechnic involvement very valuable to the pursuit of women entrepreneurship goals, as they can encourage students to undertake new projects that will enable the founding of new businesses."@en1

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