Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-466-000"

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"There is no doubt that in some European countries, women have trouble starting up their own businesses. Fortunately, in my country, the conditions are good for women entrepreneurs. Indeed, not only is there a female president of Confindustria, but we can be proud of the fact that the majority of businesses are run by women. What needs to be resolved is the lack of dedicated services for women entrepreneurs, who often have to juggle their work with family life. A women running a shop that is open for six days a week and possibly throughout the day needs different services than those required by female employees, who can benefit from parental allowances and leave or services provided by their employers, such as company day-care services. Even though this is an admirable initiative, I will vote against it because it particularly favours Roma and non-EU women with specific assistance programmes, to the detriment of female European citizens."@en1

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