Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-429-500"

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"I voted in favour of this resolution because it is very important to establish an effectively functioning policy adapted to the specific characteristics of the Black Sea region, which would help preserve fisheries resources and ecosystems. It should be noted that the Black Sea is an important fishing region, but most fishery resources are in a poor state. In order to help restore them, it is necessary to take action at regional level. Above all, the Commission must maintain a constant dialogue with the Black Sea’s coastal states which are not EU Member States. Sustainable development must also be promoted through fisheries management, cutting-edge research and technologies, data collection and stock assessment in the Black Sea region. I believe that we should examine new ways of ensuring sustainable and responsible use of fisheries resources and promoting sustainable, competitive and diverse aquaculture in this region. Only through joint efforts will the European fisheries sector be strong, stable and sustainable."@en1

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