Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-423-000"

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"I voted in favour of the report tabled by Ms Iotova. I support the establishment of institutionalised coordination on the Black Sea, which is an enclosed basin of major economic, social and political importance for the countries surrounding it. The aim of this is to ensure the economic development of coastal areas and to protect the ecological balance and fish resources in the basin. In addition, fisheries cooperation among the countries in the Black Sea region will be a considerable step forward in preserving the ecosystem. As Ms Iotova underlines, the decision-making process must follow a two-level approach: a European level and a regional level. Given the different characteristics of the two basins, this is to be achieved in particular through the establishment of a regional Black Sea fisheries management body, separate from the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean. Due to their EU membership, Bulgaria and Romania have to apply certain measures to preserve fish stocks, but the maximum effect cannot be achieved without the collaboration and cooperation of the other Black Sea States. The EU will thereby reaffirm its commitment to the region by developing sustainable fisheries, which will have positive knock-on effects for the entire Black Sea region."@en1

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