Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-398-250"

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"I voted for this report because it argues that the EU needs to establish mutually beneficial partnerships that provide a win-win for resource-rich countries and the EU itself. Besides an Africa-EU partnership, the EU could also promote partnerships with countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America or Asia. China particularly comes to mind as it produces the majority of the critical rare earth elements. Raw materials diplomacy is crucial, therefore. At the same time, the EU could evaluate how to support, in non-financial terms, a raw materials holding company, encompassing numerous European companies for procuring raw materials. Besides the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the G8/G20, the Commission should put forth concrete cooperation with the United States and Japan. Ultimately, in order to successfully meet the raw materials challenge, the EU needs a comprehensive and integrated strategy, focusing on short- and long-term measures that can be implemented domestically and internationally, particularly for raw materials, so as to adequately tackle the three-way challenge of ensuring future competitiveness, sustainability and security of supply."@en1

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