Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-384-000"

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"The clarification and simplification of the legal instruments constitute an increase in the power of the European Commission, which has resulted from the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, at the expense of the Member States. However, what needs to be stressed is the lack of genuine modulation of direct income support, as well as of all public grants. What is required is its progressive reduction in stages, depending on the support to be received per farmer/farm, as well as its predetermined ceiling. Sums obtained in this way could play an important role in the defence and promotion of each Member State’s national production, in job creation, in overcoming the food production issue in countries like Portugal, in promoting local/traditional markets, and in making sustainable and productive use of all land. We know that small and medium-sized farmers and family farming are being suffocated by increased prices in energy and the main factors of production and by a production prices policy that favours big distribution companies over the fair valuation and rewarding of those who produce food. The situation we have reached requires a break with the political choices that have framed the common agricultural policy (CAP) reforms."@en1

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