Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-352-437"

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"We are currently experiencing problems that have never been considered before. Increased life expectancy and the drastically reduced birth rate in the so-called developed countries are resulting in new social problems, primarily the sustainability of systems for funding social security. In tackling the situation of women approaching retirement age, the report drafted by Ms Bauer alerts us to another problem relating to gender equality, which urgently needs not just to be considered but to be resolved under the umbrella of the Europe 2020 strategy, specifically as regards combating poverty and promoting employment. Despite there being more women than men, the employment rate of women aged 55-64 years was 37.8% in 2009, as against 54.8% for men of the same age. It is therefore necessary to put a stop to the causes of this discrimination, as studies show that women aged over 60 are more likely to be exposed to social exclusion, since their pensions are lower than those of men who have worked and contributed for longer. For the above reasons, I would congratulate the rapporteur on her work, with which I am in full agreement."@en1

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