Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-348-125"

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"I voted in favour of this report, which starts by pointing out that Europe has the highest proportion of elderly women in the world. The fact is, older women face gender and age discrimination on the labour market and are more vulnerable due to the specific career paths they follow as women: the employment rate of women aged 55-64 in the EU was 37.8% in 2009, compared with 54.8% for men. Women outnumber men by four to one in part-time work in this age category: 38% compared with 11%. Among other means of addressing these issues, this report calls on the Member States to apply the principle of gender mainstreaming when reforming pensions and to promote the use of more equality-enhancing actuarial calculation of pensions for men and women. It calls on the Member States to promote initiatives aimed at helping older women use new technologies, so that they can be more independent, and to include elderly women in lifelong training schemes."@en1

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