Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-342-000"
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"In favour. In general terms, the resolution: 1. Takes the view that the debate on the role of the auditor should go hand in hand with a strengthening of the role of the audit committee – now largely ineffective – and of the financial and risk reporting that companies are required to carry out; but 2. Sees as yet no sufficient basis for a final assessment, and therefore reminds the Commission that more use of regulations and a wide-ranging, in-depth impact assessment are needed, looking at the various political options, focusing on practical issues in line with the principles of ‘better law making’, addressing the importance of accounting in providing accurate information about the sustainable economic development of companies and including an analysis of interest groups in order to clarify the segmentation of the impact assessment study for the various groups, such as SMEs, SIFIs and other listed and non-listed companies; 3. Takes the view that an assessment should be made of the impact on the users of audit reports, such as investors and SIFI regulators; 4. Calls on the Commission to analyse the added value generated by both the proposed regulation and the progressive harmonisation of auditing standards and practices in the European single market;"@en1
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