Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-307-000"
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"I voted in favour of this report because with it, the European Parliament consents to the conclusion of an agreement, on behalf of the European Union, with Brazil in the field of civil aviation safety. This agreement is intended to increase mutual confidence between the parties with regard to trading in aeronautical products by harmonising product certification systems while minimising the duplication of assessments, tests and controls. Approximating these systems would enable the importing authority to issue its own certificate for the aeronautical product, part or appliance without duplicating all the assessments done by the exporting authority. The European Union aeronautical product certification system is fully taken into account in the text of the draft agreement between the EU and Brazil that has been drawn up, in which aeronautical product and part certification tasks are clearly separated from the activities of organisations involved in the design and manufacture of these products and their parts. The text of the agreement also affords the parties the necessary flexibility to react immediately to safety problems or to establish a higher level of protection they consider appropriate for safety."@en1
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