Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-09-13-Speech-2-211-000"
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"Dual-use items are the product of achievements in science and technology, fruits of the advance of civilisation. The idea behind the origin of such items is usually the aspiration to improve our quality of life, as is the case with chemical and medical products, or also, for example, to make everyday work and communication easier, as in the case of information technologies. However, if they are put to the wrong use, they can be a huge danger to health and life. Therefore, the control of exports of dual-use items from the European Union should be as thorough as possible, and the standards for maintaining this control should be equally high and rigorous in all Member States. Failure to carry out precise inspections and a lack of information on the final recipients and the final use of these items may result in a catastrophe."@en1
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