Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-07-06-Speech-3-047-000"

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"Mr President, Mr Tusk, I think, Mr Tusk, that today you have presented the face of Poland which we Poles in the European Parliament want to see: an optimistic Poland, a Poland which sees its place in Europe and a Poland which does not close its eyes to problems, but has a positive vision for solving those problems. I think that in the Chamber today, a voice was heard which was not ideological but which is whole-hearted in its commitment to an idea. I think Europe needs such a voice, and I am convinced that you spoke today not only on behalf of your own party and government, but of all Poles, including those who do not support your government, but who support Poland’s place in Europe, want Poland to achieve success and wish you a successful Presidency. For us, of course, a very important matter will be the European solidarity of which you spoke. It is very good that this was emphasised. Our role is to persuade those countries which pay into the European Union budget – and we have to refer to this with respect – but we have to persuade them that the money which is invested in poorer countries is not money wasted. Investment in Poland, investment in our region, is an investment in the prosperity of the whole of the European Union, and that solidarity has a very pragmatic aspect, including for those from whom we do, of course, expect that money, because they are richer."@en1

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