Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-06-09-Speech-4-270-000"
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Mr President, unfortunately, we have grounds for expressing strong criticism of the political situation in Ukraine and, in particular, of the means used to curtail the constitutional rights of opposition politicians.
The opposition leader, Mrs Tymoshenko, and other prominent people have had their human rights violated and have been prevented from doing their political work by means of politically motivated criminal proceedings and antiquated procedural law. Anyone who turns the constitutional right of an accused person to access their files into the exact opposite, in other words, into a compulsion to access the files, and anyone who does this, as in the case of Mr Lutsenko, by means of imprisonment and, in the case of Mrs Tymoshenko, by a total of 44 summonses so far, clearly demonstrates what sort of person he is and the fact that he is abusing the judicial system in the old-fashioned way for the purposes of political disputes.
President Yanukovych and his authorities must bring an end to this persecution. He is personally responsible for the well-being of Mrs Tymoshenko, Mr Lutsenko and their colleagues and supporters.
Mr Yanukovych, your behaviour in these cases is the litmus test of your credibility and your determination to introduce European values into Ukraine."@en1
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