Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-03-08-Speech-2-569-000"
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"Madam President, it is an honour for me to address the European Parliament on the European integration process of Montenegro. Let me start where the Presidency has ended in congratulating the rapporteur for Montenegro, Mr Charles Tannock, on his report, and expressing my gratitude to all honourable Members who have contributed. Parliament plays a key role in enlargement policy. I believe that, with the concerted action of all the European institutions, we can achieve more.
Montenegro’s overall progress towards fulfilment of the criteria for European Union membership has been remarkable. There is a growing political consensus. The country has made important progress in putting in place its legal and institutional framework. It is also strongly committed to regional cooperation. There is a solid record of structural economic reforms and progress in most areas of the
The European Council decision to grant candidate status to Montenegro is a recognition of these achievements and a strong signal which confirms the credibility of the European Union’s enlargement policy. The country has entered a decisive stage. Candidate status is a great responsibility for Montenegro. Tangible results are needed in order for Montenegro to be able to move to the next stage of European integration. I am confident that the European Parliament resolution will send the right message to Montenegro of acknowledging past achievements, but also the strong expectation that the reform process will be pursued with determination and that all the key challenges on Montenegro’s path to European Union membership will be thoroughly addressed.
I met the new Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dr Igor Lukšić, last week. His commitment to pursuing the reform process and his strong determination to meet the key priorities set out in the Commission opinion are encouraging. On 17 February, after public consultations with civil society and talks with the Commission services, the government adopted an action plan to address the priorities. It is now crucial to focus on implementation and establish a solid track record.
The key priorities set out in the opinion are a significant, but achievable, challenge that requires the involvement and commitment of all actors in Montenegro. Previous enlargements have shown the importance of addressing key issues under the political criteria, as well as Chapter 23, early in the accession process. Early solid achievements in this area in Montenegro, notably, in the politicisation of the public administration, the strengthening of the independence of the judiciary and the effective fight against corruption and against organised crime, will later ensure smooth negotiations and integration into the European Union.
Montenegro must improve its electoral framework, in line with the recommendations of the OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission. The Parliament needs strengthening, which is an important priority for both the Commission and the European Parliament. Effective compliance with European standards in the field of human rights is essential, in particular, regarding freedom of expression and relations with civil society. Further efforts are needed to strengthen anti-discrimination policy, notably, gender equality and the effective protection of vulnerable groups. Sustainable solutions are needed for displaced persons.
Other shortcomings identified in the opinion and in your draft resolution also need to be addressed. Montenegro needs to strengthen its administrative capacity and to upgrade its preparation in a number of areas of the European Union
. The future of Montenegro undeniably lies in the European Union and we should act responsibly. The credibility of our enlargement policy is based on the enlargement countries respecting the conditionality towards the European Union and the European Union respecting its commitment towards the enlargement countries.
It is in all our interests to ensure that the progress of Montenegro towards the European Union is based on solid achievements and concrete results. Montenegro’s performance this year will be assessed in the enlargement package due in October 2011. Only when the Commission has established that Montenegro has achieved the necessary degree of compliance with the accession criteria, in particular, the seven key priorities set out in the opinion, will it be in a position to recommend opening negotiations."@en1
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