Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-17-Speech-4-447-000"
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"Mr President, we are now on to the third European Parliament resolution of this parliamentary term on discrimination against the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) population in Uganda. Today we are dealing specifically with the case of Mr David Kato, whose killing has been strongly denounced by many NGOs and international bodies. Mr Kato was, in fact, a symbol of the fight against homophobia in his country, and more specifically of the denunciation of the Bahati bill, which goes very far in cracking down on homosexuality, since it envisages sentences right up to life imprisonment and even the death penalty. We must pay tribute to him, but we must also think of all those whose photographs, names and addresses have been publicly disgraced by a rag whose name I shall not even mention. The climate with regard to the LGBT community is unacceptable, exacerbated as it is by the religious authorities and in particular by the evangelist fundamentalists close to the Head of State.
Tomorrow, presidential elections will take place in Uganda. Although there are eight candidates, the outgoing President has already declared himself certain of his re-election and announced that he will imprison anyone who protests against the elections. Those elections are undoubtedly an opportunity to remind Uganda of its human rights obligations, to tell it that the fight against discrimination of any kind, including against LGBTs, is an integral part of these universal values and that we should together respond to Mr Ban Ki-moon’s appeal to make the decriminalisation of homosexuality a universal fight for human rights."@en1
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