Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-17-Speech-4-303-000"

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". The economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on social groups. It is alarming that the youth unemployment rate is double the average European rate. Reform programmes are needed to mitigate the effects of the crisis, which will result in the creation of jobs. In this context, I can mention the measures adopted by the Romanian Government aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial initiative among young people. In addition to increasing the number of jobs, it is also vital to improve their quality. We can achieve this objective by encouraging research and innovation, by having the business sector involved more in academic life and by adapting the school curriculum to the needs of the labour market. In this regard, studies need to be carried out on economic development in Member States. In particular, they need to be coordinated at EU level and those areas need to be identified where the European Union can develop a comparative edge on the global market. Furthermore, recognition of diplomas at EU level would facilitate the free movement of labour and support the creation of a proper single European market. We will only be able to achieve the objectives set out in the Europe 2020 Strategy by devising specific proposals and allocating sufficient funds. Otherwise, we risk facing failure, just as happened in the case of the Lisbon Strategy."@en1

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