Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2011-02-17-Speech-4-221-000"

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"Recent events in Egypt and Tunisia have shown that the idea that society in Arab countries is not capable of accepting democracy is erroneous. Working on this mistaken assumption, the European Union – and almost all other global political forces – placed the stability of the region above the right of the people of the Arab world to decide their own future. That policy has proved mistaken. It is to be hoped that the effects of that mistake will not be too serious. We must, today, take action to mitigate these effects. Mistakes, unfortunately, have to be put right. One step resulting from this motion for a resolution should be the freezing of assets belonging to Egyptian leaders responsible for the embezzlement of state funds in Egypt. Therefore, I appeal to all Member States to do to everything possible to achieve this. The next few months will be decisive for Egypt. The European Parliament should give every possible assistance to Egypt’s nascent civil society and democratic institutions. Support for free and democratic elections should be a priority. For the next few years, we should be guided by one objective. Democracy in Egypt is an excellent long-term investment, which will bring dividends both to the citizens of Egypt and to the people of Europe."@en1

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