Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-11-24-Speech-3-959"
Predicate | Value (sorted: none) |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:spokenAs | |
lpv:translated text |
"I would like to thank Mr Fjellner for his excellent work. I voted in favour because I agree that non-promotional information on medicinal products must be made available to patients and the general public by marketing authorisation holders according to the ‘pull principle’ whereby patients/the public have access to information if they need it, contrary to the ‘push principle’ whereby the marketing authorisation holders disseminate information among patients and the general public."@en1
dcterms:Is Part Of | |
lpv:hasSubsequent | |
rdf:type | |
dcterms:Date | |
dcterms:Language | |
lpv:document identification number |
lpv:speaker |
Named graphs describing this resource:
The resource appears as object in 2 triples