Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-19-Speech-2-935"

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lpv:translated text
"Once again, Parliament has been asked to validate payment of aid from the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund to employees made redundant as a result of the crisis or relocations. Once again, this aid will be spread across budgetary lines initially allocated to other European programmes, as the Globalisation Adjustment Fund does not have any funds of its own within the current financial framework. In order to put an end to this situation, I worked, during the drafting of the 2011 budget, on the creation of a line of payment appropriations specific to the Globalisation Adjustment Fund. The sum of EUR 50 million was therefore adopted by Parliament during the vote on its reading of the budget on 20 October 2010. This sum, which is symbolic compared with annual requirements, has yet to be confirmed, as the European Council initially rejected the proposal to give the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund its own financing. I shall therefore continue to keep an eye on this question, in the hope of achieving budgetary and legislative consolidation of this mechanism."@en1

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