Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-19-Speech-2-867"

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lpv:translated text
"The Convention on future multilateral cooperation in the North-East Atlantic fisheries, to which the Community and the EU have now become a contracting party, came into force in 1982. The aim of the convention is to ensure the long-term preservation and maximum use of the fisheries resources of the North-East Atlantic, in the interests of society, sustainability and the environment. Control and implementation measures can be introduced to ensure that this convention and the recommendations adopted by the North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) are put into effect. These relate to all fishing vessels used for fishing activities conducted on fisheries resources as defined in the convention. The aim of the proposal is to bring Union legislation up to date. In 2006, the NEAFC accepted a new scheme for improving the control and implementation of its recommendations. Another change is that the port state control system is now included, which does not allow frozen fish to be landed at European ports where this has not been determined to be lawful by the foreign vessel’s flag State. There are new measures concerned in relation to regulating vessels engaged in illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing."@en1

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