Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-986"

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". I would stress the potential contribution of this assistance plan financed by the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) for the reintegration of redundant workers and their social rehabilitation to a particularly tragic case like three companies of the Danfoss Group going out of business. All of these companies were located in Syddanmark, Denmark, and all of them went bust over a three-month period in 2009, affecting 1 443 workers in a sector – the manufacture of machines and electronic equipment – that has been particularly hard hit by this crisis. I would stress again that, unfortunately, the EGF has been very sparingly utilised in the face of Europe’s high rates of unemployment. Of the EUR 500 million in funding made available through the EGF this year, only 11% was requested to fund aid plans for workers who have been made redundant as a direct result of the global financial and economic crisis. I would, however, stress the fact that, following successive warnings and reports, an alternative source of payment appropriations to unused ESF funds has been set up."@en1

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