Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-956"

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"One of the first measures adopted by the temporary authorities in Bucharest after the collapse of the Ceauşescu regime, in the wake of the popular uprisings in Timişoara and Bucharest, was to abolish the death penalty. This was a gesture of healing, primarily to the political victims of the totalitarian regimes which dominated Romania from the 1930s. I am recalling this event in recent European history because the European Parliament’s resolution on the World day against the death penalty is a response to an outmoded practice in the 21st century. The death penalty is still part of the legislation in many countries, including some which actively promote civil rights and freedoms globally. The death penalty does not only not act as a deterrent and reduce the level of crime, but it also raises the very real issue of possible miscarriages of justice, which would send innocent people to their death. I regard the invitation from the European Union’s Member States to the countries which still use this punishment, calling on them to adopt a moratorium on carrying out the sentences, as one of the main plus points of this resolution. This made me decide to vote in favour of its adoption."@en1

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