Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-351"

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"Sub-Saharan Africa continues to be the region with the lowest average life expectancy (ALE) at birth (of the 20 countries with the lowest ALE, 19 are in Africa) and the highest mortality rate and mother and child mortality rate. It is also the region with the highest prevalence of deaths resulting from HIV infection, the prevalence rate in the adult population exceeding 15% in several countries. These data can only be seen as striking, alerting us to the urgent need for humanitarian aid to these countries to be properly directed to the area of health and the provision of basic medical care to highly deprived communities. In this, the European Union and the individual Member States have a role to play, not because this situation of extreme need may be due to the colonial past of the African continent, as the report states, but because we Europeans are linked to Africa by special bonds of friendship and solidarity which must not be forgotten."@en1

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