Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-10-07-Speech-4-216"

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"Ladies and gentlemen, like Spain and Denmark, Lithuania is aware of the potential good that the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) can do. Lithuania received a total of EUR 2.9 million in aid from the EGF, which was earmarked for workers from the construction and household goods manufacturing sectors that were badly affected by the crisis. However, the fund still has to prove its worth. Set up as a rapid counter-measure, now the EGF has slowed and become complicated due to bureaucracy. The main drawback is the necessary mobilisation of the fund. On average it takes 294 days to approve applications. As the wrote this week, more than 37 000 workers throughout Europe are still waiting for aid from the fund. To date, only EUR 140 million of the EGF’s total amount available (EUR 2 billion) has been paid out. The fund’s money is also distributed unevenly. Only 6% of payments are granted to projects in countries where the gross domestic product is lower than the EU average. The EGF must be more flexible if we want to avoid drowning in uncertainty. Many Member States, including Lithuania, are suitable candidates for other funds, which require less cofinancing and bureaucracy."@en1

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