Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-05-05-Speech-3-791"
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"Mr President, it is very much to be welcomed that the Commission has outlined the forward-looking ‘Europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’, because for too many years now, many European countries, in organising their economy and finances, have been following the maxim ‘
. Despite the Commission’s praiseworthy work on drawing up the strategy, it amazes me with its naivety. The Commission’s statement on this paints us a picture of a green, equal Europe based on a social market economy, without being clear what kind of resources will be used to achieve this. In the Soviet Union, it was common practice at certain times to promise the arrival of communism after ten years, regardless of the actual reality. I would hope that, after the debacle of the declaratory Lisbon Strategy, the Commission did not want to come out with another empty-worded utopia with which to delude European citizens. What we need today is not dreams, but concrete actions to save the European economy from decline. It is high time that we began serious structural reforms in Europe, especially in the area of social policy, because the current type of social welfare model is no longer sustainable."@en1
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