Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-04-07-Speech-3-031"

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"Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, economic policy coordination, growth, employment, innovation, social inclusion: those are the slogans of the new 2020 strategy, that is, the one which, after the Lisbon Strategy, is supposed to guide Europe towards the end of the crisis that is weakening Europeans’ spending power and spirits. Ten years after the first bout of Lisbon hysteria, unfortunately this is the new recipe that is in danger of turning into a slimming cure for the European economy. Examining the key points of the new strategy, we cannot really see any specific innovations. If we have not yet realised, the EU of the next decade will be the same Europe of which we are today lamenting the failure. The 2020 strategy is disastrous because of the disastrous of this Europe, which wants to imitate the planning-driven dirigisme and the statism that for a long time dominated national policies and which penalised spontaneously productive forces and local entities. Today, in fact, Europe prizes Brussels’ power and hinders the more direct and effective action of its decentralised bodies. Taking my cue from an opinion of the Committee of the Regions, I note that a truly innovative strategy should, above all, reverse the balance of power between the centralised and the decentralised levels. This is what Europe needs: real subsidiarity and real federalism. European history forewarned us of the following sentence: state-controlled centralism destroys wealth and social welfare when its aim is not to support the economy, but to mould its character. All talk aside, what the peoples, young people and small and medium-sized enterprises – in other words, 99% of Europe’s productive fabric – want, is not impractical European strategies for growth, but decentralisation and freedom from the orders of the political and bureaucratic elites."@en1

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