Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-11-Speech-4-993"

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"I welcome the objectives of the SET Plan (Strategic Energy Technology Plan), which insist on the development of a low-carbon society. The SET Plan seeks to accelerate the development and roll-out of low-carbon technologies. This plan includes measures relating to planning, implementation, resources and international cooperation in the area of innovative technologies in the energy sector. Several studies estimate that promoting the European target of 20% renewable energy penetration will result in millions of new jobs by 2020. Furthermore, roughly two thirds of these jobs will be created in small and medium-sized enterprises. The solution requires the development of green technologies. Therefore, we need more funding for the SET Plan, which I advocate should be provided in the next review of the financial perspective. We also need to promote green technologies and skilled labour through investment in education and research. The sooner we begin to achieve a low-carbon society, the sooner we will emerge from the crisis."@en1

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