Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-11-Speech-4-989"

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"The storm that devastated Madeira on 20 February caused enormous human and material losses in the region of Madeira. The role of the EU is vitally important, as it has mechanisms and instruments at its disposal, such as the Solidarity Fund, the Structural Funds – the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund – and the Cohesion Fund, which need to be activated and applied in a quick, flexible and simplified manner. I welcome the motion for a resolution in which the European Commission is asked, as soon as it receives a request from the Portuguese Government, to initiate the action necessary to mobilise the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF) in the most urgent and flexible way and to the greatest possible extent. I call on the solidarity of the institutions of the European Union towards the swift and flexible application of the Cohesion Fund, bearing in mind Madeira’s special status as an insular and outermost region of the EU. I appeal to the good will of the European Commission as regards negotiating the revision of the regional operational programmes INTERVIR+ (ERDF) and RUMOS (ESF), as well as the section on Madeira of the Thematic Territorial Enhancement Operational Programme (Cohesion Fund)."@en1

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