Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-984"

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"I am delighted at the adoption of this report as it will allow the entry into force of a network of regional agreements on marine pollution which have been signed between the EU and certain Member States and neighbouring third countries. In this case, we have the Lisbon Agreement, which was signed in October 1990 but which has never entered into force due to a territorial dispute between Spain and Morocco, two of the contracting parties, over the southern boundary (Western Sahara) endorsed in subheading c) of Article 3 of the agreement. The additional protocol, which found a solution to the conflict and an acceptable wording for subheading c) of Article 3, was only signed in May 2008 by Portugal, Spain, France and Morocco. With the conclusion of this additional protocol, the Lisbon Agreement can enter into force, 20 years after it was signed. As well as its security aspects, this protocol covers environmental protection. We are all aware of the ecological disasters which have threatened the coasts of our countries in recent years. It is hoped that these rules will help to avoid accidents like the and the as the sea does not have any physical or political boundaries and requires sharing of efforts and concerted action."@en1

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