Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-976"

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"Consumer protection is an extremely important matter for the Commission to tackle. Simply implementing effective measures on this matter will, of course, be insufficient if there is no involvement on the part of consumers. Consumers must be aware of their rights. Making maximum use of the possibilities of the single European market is a tremendous challenge for the Commission. In order to meet this challenge, effective consumer protection must be one of the priorities chosen by the EU. I think using the Consumer Markets Scoreboards, which are a tool for monitoring markets, could not be more beneficial from the point of view of the consumer. The scoreboards clearly show which markets are not sufficiently meeting the needs of consumers. By analysing them, we can ascertain, among other things, that consumers are experiencing particular problems in the market for services, and that Internet trade between particular Member States is being restricted to a large extent by trans-border barriers. I am pleased by the fact that further scoreboards are being planned. In addition, I hope they will supply us with yet more detailed information than before. Thanks to such tools, it is significantly easier to understand the problems of consumers and to respond to their needs. There is no doubt that introducing EU regulations on consumer protection in individual EU countries is beneficial to our citizens."@en1

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