Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-950"

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"Europe, hit by the economic crisis, was able to react quickly and mitigate the effects of the crisis thanks to its common currency, strong internal market and stable system of social protection. This does not mean there are now no perceptible repercussions, but signs of an improvement in the situation are visible. Unfortunately, consumers are still struggling with problems relating to making use of the benefits of competition. Their rights must be protected, but they need to be more aware and have greater knowledge. The proper functioning and competitiveness of the European market means the consumer is able to make use of the system of competition by choosing products, services and lower prices. Insufficient competition is, however, something which is currently being seen, especially in the pharmaceutical and telecommunications sectors. Absence of competition is directly detrimental to consumers, as it also is to the economy. There is also a need for monitoring of competitive behaviours in EU fuel markets. Penalties should be applied for breaking the law on the protection of competition which are commensurate to the violation, and stronger deterrents should be made use of in the case of repeated violations of the law. Above all, however, the crisis has shown up the weakness of the European economy and has indicated those areas which should be strengthened. All strategies of economic policy must still be subject to democratic control, and must be realised with care for the common good and with respect for the rights of the citizens of Europe."@en1

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