Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-214"

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"Having improved the directive transposition deficit, which stands at 1%, it remains vital to focus on improving the actual implementation of internal market legislation in national legal systems. The Commission, Parliament and the Member States must make greater efforts in this regard and collaborate with one another. For its part, the Commission should do more to support the Member States throughout the transposition period, by means of dialogue and the exchange of information to resolve problems before the end of the deadline for transposition. It should also organise an annual internal market forum and look into new ways to eliminate the barriers remaining to completing the internal market, including the simplification of legislation. We Members of the European Parliament, as representatives of citizens, must exploit any possible opportunity to inform them of European legislation, by promoting studies, workshops, conventions and hearings. National parliaments, on the other hand, must be closely involved in European legislative processes to be aware of proposed measures in time, and improve cooperation between national, regional and local authorities. In this respect, the Treaty of Lisbon gives elected assemblies a more incisive role that they must make the most of. For all the above reasons, which are clearly explained in the report, I voted in favour."@en1

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