Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-172"

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"Consumer protection is closely linked to the capacity of the market to offer a wide choice of high-quality goods and services at competitive prices. It is clear that greater consumer trust, awareness and responsibility call for increasingly high-quality goods and services which, in turn, increases competition between suppliers, which will be encouraged to improve their products, while keeping prices at competitive levels. I agree with the importance attached by the Commission and the Member States to launching a communication strategy on consumer rights via web portals, awareness-raising campaigns and information points, while also promoting use of the ‘eYouGuide’ website, and, at the same time, ensuring the reliability, credibility and impartiality of the organisations responsible for management and organisation. Furthermore, the five Consumer Markets Scoreboard indicators identified by the resolution – although not exhaustive – will certainly allow people to obtain useful information for improving, if necessary, the reference regulatory framework, provided that the information provided by Member States is comprehensive and can be compiled on an easily comparable basis. I voted in favour of the report even though I am confused as to the appointment of the Consumer Ombudsman and the means of collective redress."@en1

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