Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-03-09-Speech-2-166"

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". The Additional Protocol to the Cooperation Agreement for the Protection of the Coasts and Waters of the North-East Atlantic against Pollution forms part of a network of regional agreements concerning the protection of the marine environment, which the EU has concluded with individual Member States and neighbouring third countries. The protection of our oceans, which function as a source of food for millions of Europeans, is also an important task for the EU, which is why I have unreservedly voted in favour of this report. In this connection, it should be mentioned that, in addition to the Lisbon Agreement dealt with here, there are also the Helsinki Convention, the Bonn Agreement and the Barcelona Convention. Each of these agreements covers different parts of the seas surrounding the EU Member States and is intended to enable individual or collective intervention by the contracting parties in the event of pollution or the threat of pollution of the seas or coasts as a result of an accident. The Lisbon Agreement was signed in October 1990, but never entered into force on account of a territorial dispute between two contracting parties, Spain and Morocco, in respect of the ‘southern borders’ (Western Sahara). The additional protocol, in which the dispute was settled and an appropriate wording was found, was signed as recently as May 2008 by Portugal, Spain, France and Morocco, and finally, on 25 March 2009, it was also signed by the European Union."@en1

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