Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2010-02-24-Speech-3-281"

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"( ) We began this plenary session today with a minute’s silence. This minute’s silence had two meanings: firstly, solidarity with the victims of the catastrophe which struck Madeira and their families, and secondly, a tribute to all the workers who have been tirelessly providing assistance to those victims. However, a minute’s silence must make us reflect and also lead us to reflect on things that go beyond our immediate concerns here. What we saw in Madeira is a phenomenon which will occur more and more often. Climate change is causing these extreme events to take place again and again, and we must find ways of responding to them. We are not able to avoid natural disasters but, at the same time, we must not simply allow them always to have such tragic effects on the lives of the people. That is why we must fight for planning and development policies which are directed at the public good. However, I wish to conclude, Mr President, with something that is more important and which has brought us all here: the European Commission, the European Parliament and the European institutions must have the capacity to provide an urgent response to emergency situations. Financial resources and the required swiftness of operation are necessary for this purpose."@en1

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