Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-11-24-Speech-2-152"

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lpv:translated text
"The centre left and centre right political forces in the European Parliament voted in favour of the legislative ‘package’ on telecommunications and the internet on the basis of the criteria of competition and security, in other words, to secure the profits of the monopolies and restrict workers’ freedoms and rights. The same political forces, while referring with demagogic bombast to users’ rights and free access to the internet in the face of the highhandedness of monopoly business groups, supported the Commission’s reactionary proposals, thereby helping to promote the interests of capital. The decision by the European Parliament promotes capitalist restructurings that will enable companies to grow to gigantic proportions and develop the ‘green economy’, so that they will reign supreme at European and global level, thereby multiplying their profits to the detriment of the workers and users of their services. The monopolies are being given legal rights to monitor and restrict users’ access to the internet. At the same time, their profits are being secured thanks to the harmonisation of the radio spectrum and the ‘operating divide’ between landline and internet services and the necessary infrastructure. We voted against the motion for a resolution by the Council and the European Parliament and we stand by the workers and users of electronic communications who continue to claim their rights and freedoms against the reactionary policy of the EU and the parties of capital."@en1

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