Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-10-19-Speech-1-127"

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"Madam President, first I should like to say that we do not share the concerns of the Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats). It is perfectly simple: we believe that further development towards SIS II is not necessary and is politically wrong. We take this view for three reasons: firstly, because it mixes secret service and police data, giving rise to a data system that no longer guarantees controllability and in which personal data is not, in fact, protected. The second is biometric data, which is being anchored here as a large-scale experiment and, thirdly, SIS II is, of course, to be used against so-called illegal immigration. Hence our proposal: as we all know, we have SIS I. We consider it reasonable to develop this further ‘ . It is a pragmatic approach, even if we are strongly criticised for it. However, we believe that, with the approach being pursued here, nothing more can be done. To put it simply: SIS II is a failure and to keep on crawling round it – to put it one way – is meaningless. What is important is that money which is being put to the wrong use here should be saved, which will mean we have fewer problems with the whole thing and can stop worrying about the delay with SIS II. I say this also from the point of view of Saxony, a region of Germany close to Poland and the Czech Republic. I know full well here that it would certainly make more sense to do something towards stabilisation within the police than to introduce something like this."@en1
"as one for all’"1

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