Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-03-24-Speech-2-397"

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"Mr President, there are three points I would like to put to the Commission in this debate. The European Commission needs to propose a system of support for the regions exceeding 75% of GDP per head in the current Financial Perspective, but which will require continued financing in view of the strong internal imbalances in development. I should mention that some regions of Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece are receiving such transitional funding during the current Financial Perspective. There also needs to be a final decision on a retreat from the latest attempts to re-nationalise the common agricultural policy. It will not be possible to guarantee mandatory cofinancing of the CAP at similar levels by individual Member States, as this will result in competition being significantly skewed, or in other words the disintegration of the CAP. Regarding the European Commission’s ambition to separate direct payments from production, it is also necessary to remove the great disparities in support for farmland of less than one hectare which currently exist between the old and new Member States after 2013. Otherwise, if the situation persists after 2013, it will constitute tolerance of two common agricultural policies on the territory of the EU."@en1

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