Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2009-02-19-Speech-4-193"

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lpv:spoken text
"Mental ill health affects a staggering one in four people. Stigmatisation of and discrimination against those who suffer from mental ill health still persists. By the year 2020, depression is expected to be the highest ranking cause of disease in the developed world. Currently in the EU, some 58 000 citizens die from suicide each year, more than the annual deaths from road or homicides. The need for information campaigns in schools and platforming from there into all areas of life is crucial. We as legislators, social workers and with responsibilities within our communities need to focus on early diagnosis and early intervention in order to combat the stigma. What we have learned from research which is crucial for our services, is that mental health is strongly determined during the first five years of life. So promoting mental health in children is an investment for the future. EU projects have already proved successful by addressing post-natal depression in mothers, improving parenting skills, organising home visits by nurses to assist future and new parents and providing resources for schools. Research shows that providing resources for schools for our young students can improve child development and reduce bullying, anxiety and depressive symptoms."@en1

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