Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-11-20-Speech-4-146"
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The rapporteur, Mrs Stauner, has given a lucid analysis of the challenges presented by the ageing of our populations and the decline in our active populations to our social protection systems, to which she appears to be attached. That is a first good point in her favour.
A second good point is the timid question which she raises about the real efficacy of the usual panacea proposed, which is to organise the installation
of immigrant workers who, we hope, will pay pensions and health systems for the old Europeans, a panacea of a staggering cynicism and selfishness defended by people who often claim to have a monopoly on sympathy and tolerance. Finally, she earns a last good point for her critical analysis of the trend towards the privatisation of health systems and the purely financial approach to the reform of national social security systems.
However, this report fails to address the main point: as it is the demographic decline of our continent which is at the root of these problems, that is what we need to remedy. The Member States can no longer avoid an ambitious family policy to encourage the birth rate to rise, as a pledge to the equilibrium of their social security systems and, more importantly, to their dynamism, prosperity and, quite simply their survival."@en1
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