Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-11-19-Speech-3-277"

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"Question No 35 by Katerina Batzeli () On 22 October 2008, representatives of the European Parliament, the Commission and the Council signed the first ever political declaration on an interinstitutional agreement on communicating EU priorities. This is an agreement of the utmost political significance since it seeks to provide an effective solution to the major democratic problem that European citizens are not adequately informed, but it also comes at a critical time since we are in the run-up to elections in the EU. What will be the priorities and the basic messages of the Community's unified communications policy for the year ahead, in particular during the run-up to elections? How will cooperation between the three Community institutions be promoted in jointly selecting the priorities and objectives of this communications policy and also their cooperation with the relevant national authorities? In particular, what will be the relation between Community and national communications policies relating to the EU? What resources will be allocated to implement its new Community communications policy and what role will the new communications technologies play? What will be the role of multilingualism in this context? What Community funds will be used to fund individual actions under the newly established communications policy?"@en1
"Subject: Interinstitutional agreement on ’Communicating Europe in Partnership'"1

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