Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-10-21-Speech-2-348"

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"Recent events have raised questions about the nature of our relations in both the short and the long term. We must move on and look ahead. Negotiations between the EU and Russia on a new strategic partnership agreement should continue. It is in the interest of both parties to conclude this agreement. The EU has every interest in promoting a genuine “strategic partnership” with Moscow. We have to be pragmatic and realistic and pursue a results-oriented policy. The EU has to find the best common approach to deal with Russia on issues such as current global economic challenges, energy, economic interdependence, non-proliferation, terrorism and climate change, because these matters are in our fundamental mutual interest. We cannot afford to marginalise Russia, we have to engage with it in a constructive way. Now more than ever, dialogue and long-term cooperation are required. Isolating Russia will not help. Relations need to be strengthened in many fields of mutual interest, in particular with regard to dealing with the current financial crisis and creating the new global financial architectural structure, where cooperation with Russia, as well with China and India, is absolutely necessary, and ensuring stability and security in the shared neighbourhood of the EU and Russia."@en1

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