Local view for "http://purl.org/linkedpolitics/eu/plenary/2008-09-24-Speech-3-125"
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"Mr President, I would like to thank the rapporteurs for their excellent work. It was not easy: they have worked miracles and they have my respect. I would also like to thank the honourable Members of the European Parliament for the strong signal they have given with today’s vote. This is the signal for an open and competitive single market, for telecom companies and for Europe’s 500 million consumers alike.
Yesterday the Commission had to propose new rules to tackle excessive charging for SMS and data roaming in the EU. These proposals will provide a fast cure for one of the most visible symptoms of the lack of a single market in telecoms, from which both companies and consumers are suffering. Today, the European Parliament has gone an important step further by proposing to remedy the problem once and for all at its root: to get rid of the fragmentation by paving the way for a single market in regulatory terms.
I welcome in particular the fact that the European Parliament voted, after an intense debate – and probably to the surprise of many observers – for the establishment of an efficient European telecom regulator, as a facilitator for bringing together the national regulators, and for the dialogue between the national regulators and the Commission. This is good news in the interest of a level playing field for the provision and use of telecom services across borders in Europe. This new European regulator will make a strong contribution to enhancing cross-border competition and consumer choice.
Now, honourable parliamentarians, we need to sit together – Parliament, the Council and the Commission – in order to get this telecoms package up and running by 2010. There is not much time left. We have to do it substantially; we have to do it quickly now. Everything the Commission can do in order to help to advance will be done.
I am convinced that the signal given today by Parliament goes beyond Europe: it is a signal that will be heard across the globe. It will show that the single telecom market in Europe is open for business in the interests of a strong industry and of an empowered consumer. Thank you and congratulations."@en1
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